2020-02-25 Executive Committee Mid-Year Meeting Minutes
Approved Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
2/25-26, 2020
Charlestown SC
Doug Thompson – Prince Edward Island Lou Canter – New York
Crafton Wilkes – Virginia Eliz Crouse – New Brunswick
Brent Achtemichuk – Manitoba John Poole – Dairy Farmers of America
Cliff Carman – USDA Peter Hunkar – Colorado
Dan McCarthy – New York
The meeting was called to order at 9:10 am
- Welcome – President’s opening remarks
Doug Thompson suggested that since only 6 organizations are present at this Executive Committee meeting out of a possible 17 members; if there is needed approval of any financial arrangement, then that issue should be posed to all members via email for approval.
Doug Thompson stated that he will be asking for assistance with the PEI planning, especially in offering feedback on any social activities and suggested topics and speakers. The web site development looks like it is progressing and it may be close to finished.
Brent Achtemichuk said that he is please with how IAMCA is moving forward.
Doug Thompson mentioned that participation at this meeting may be light due to the recent US approval of the USMCA and the enormous amount of work that is necessary to prepare for its implementation in Canada.
- Approve Minutes of the Executive Committee and mid-year meetings of 2019
Moved by Elizabeth Course to accept the minutes of the February 2019 Executive Committee meeting, with amendments, 2nd by Peter Hunkar. Unanimously approved.
Moved by Brent Achtemichuk to accept the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of Monday, August 12, 2019, with amendments. 2nd by Peter Hunkar with amendments, Unanimously approved.
Moved by Elizabeth Crouse to accept the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting of Wednesday, August 14, 2019, with amendments. 2nd by Brent Achtemichuk. Unanimously approved.
Dan McCarthy shared a draft of the minutes of the 2019 General Business Meeting and a copy of the revised constitution for comment, but not approval. Approval should be during the 2020 General Business meeting. The Executive Committee suggested that the minutes should be provided with a copy of the revised constitution with notations of the changes made.
- Treasurer’s Report – Annual financial statement 2019
As of 12/31/19 IAMCA had just under $93,000 in cash. The association had a loss of $4,522 during 2019. This includes an administration deficit of $3,711.
Dan McCarthy stated that going forward, he believes that there should be an annual budget for administrative revenues (memberships and interest) and administrative costs (operation costs plus CC fees.) This should be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee. As such, Dan McCarthy proposed an administrative budget for 2020. This was reviewed by Executive Committee members present. Dan will email this budget to all Executive Committee members for approval.
- Past President’s Report – 2019 Annual Meeting
Peter Hunkar presented this report. Overall the meeting went well. Some participants expressed concerns that some speakers / events were not directly dairy related, but the events provided good networking opportunities. The meeting financial deficit was reasonable at -$2,300, not including an additional $1,000 in miscellaneous costs borne by Colorado.
Peter Hunkar was able to secure some donations and there were negotiations with the hotel on some of their costs.
- Update on 2020 – 84th Annual Meeting plans
Doug Thompson has signed the contract with the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel. The Executive Committee meeting will start on Sunday, July 19. The Annual Meeting will be Monday and Tuesday to accommodate the Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee (CMSMC) which will start on Wednesday.
Doug Thompson will be sending out a ‘save the date’ and hotel reservation information early to build interest and awareness of this event.
- Ideas on growing the 2020 Conference attendance
The Committee discussed ideas to build attendance at this annual meeting, including picking speakers and topics to target specific interest groups. Additionally, the Committee discussed marketing this meeting to groups that have not been represented in the past such as US Federal Marker Order Administrators.
- Round table discussion of the Dean Foods Bankruptcy, impacts and regulatory actions
Cliff Carmen discussed the situation with the Dean Foods bankruptcy. Of the eleven US Federal Milk Markets, only two are not owed funds by Dean Foods. These debts resulted in a pro rata payment reduction to pool plants that were due a payment from the pools. The USDA is in the midst of calculating the amount each Federal Order is owed, from each Dean facility. This will take some time, and needs to be completed by the Bankruptcy Court claim deadline in May. This debt also includes the 20 cent per cwt assessment on fluid milk processors for marketing.
Peter Hunkar stated that Colorado has an assessment of 3 cents per cwt that was only partially paid by Dean. Dan McCarthy said that in NYS, any licensed dealer that defaults in payments to the Producer Settlement Funds can file a claim for reimbursement. NY urges the USDA to file a claim so that NYS processors that are owed funds by the Pool can be reimbursed.
Doug Thompson and Brent Achtemichuk described that Canadian producers sell their milk to the producer organizations, who in turn sell the milk to processors. While these organizations can charge a fee to build a fund for unpaid milk, the larger processors that have market power, refuse to pay this fee. Thus, the producer organizations are effectively self-insuring that they will not default.
- Update on IAMCA Website
Peter Hunkar reviewed the current status of the web site development and discussed the edits and feedback he has received to date.
- Implementation of IAMCA Constitution amendments
Dan McCarthy shared a copy of the revised IAMCA constitution and stated that this will be shared with the minutes of the General Business Meeting for approval of the edits.
- Progress Report on 2021 New York Annual Meeting plans
The Executive committee discussed initial thoughts for the location of the NYS meeting. Dan McCarthy inquired if Ontario or Quebec would be hosting the CMSMC meeting during 2021. If so, perhaps NY can coordinate near the NY border for similar dates in order to increase Canadian participation. Otherwise, Committee members seemed receptive to Cooperstown, NY if the price is reasonable.
- 2020 Conference Draft program planning
The Committee discussed possible discussion topics and speakers. Some Committee members were assigned / volunteered to assist in identifying and coordinating speakers.
- Committee Reports:
Membership – Dan McCarthy
Dan McCarthy provided a list of current members and discussed activities related to identifying additional members.
Price Survey – Dan McCarthy
Dan McCarthy briefly discussed this status of this price surveys. Several members requested to be on the distribution list.
Newsletter – Crafton Wilkes
Crafton Wilkes and Dan McCarthy discussed the status of the newsletter and that the effort to compile the next newsletter will be shared.
- Other Business
No other business was discussed.
- Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 pm.