2019-08-12 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Approved on 2-25-20

Minutes Executive Committee Meeting

International Association of Milk Control Agencies

Monday August 12, 2019

Golden Colorado


Members and Guests Present

John Poole – Dairy Farmers of America                   Chad Lee – Montana

Crafton Wilkes – Virginia                                             Doug Miller – Saskatchewan

Chantal Paul – Canadian Dairy Commission            Liz Crouse – Nova Scotia

Peter Hunkar – Colorado                                             Harold Friedly –  USDA

France Dionne – Quebec                                             Tim Drake – Maine

Lou Canter – New York                                              Brent Achtemichuk – Manitoba

Mike Wiers – Maine                                                   Mike Southwood – Alberta

Rob Delage – British Columbia                              Dan McCarthy – New York


The meeting was called to order by President Peter Hunkar at 4:30 PM

Opening Remarks:

Given the delayed from the planned start time, and the need to start the President’s Reception on time, the Committee agreed to table much of the agenda until the Executive Committee Meeting of Wednesday, August 14.

Approval of Minutes of February 2019 Executive Committee Meeting (Postponed until Wednesday)

Peter reviewed the 2019 Annual Meeting arrangements. Two last minute edits were needed and described. Additionally, Executive Committee members were assigned to pose questions to certain speakers in the event that the question periods do not result in immediate participant responses.

Review of website proposals (2) and next steps. (Postponed until Wednesday)

  1. LMW Design
  2. Steady Radiance Design, LLC

Dan asked for feedback on the IAMCA newsletters. Generally, the format and content was acceptable.

The Committee discussed the appointment of a nominating committee. Past practice was to have this committee to be made up of the current and past IAMCA presidents that are in attendance. France Dionne, Brent Achtemichuk, Crafton Wilkes, Charlie Huff will be asked to serve.

The Committee discussed the appointment of a nominating committee. France Dionne volunteered and will recruit additional members.

Dan stated that the Executive Committee members were emailed the financial statements for the year to date, and a presentation will be made during the General Business meeting.

Dan presented that the Price Survey continues and is grateful to those that provide their data. The price survey reports are published quarterly and must wait for Pennsylvania to report for these reports. The Executive Committee needs to identify other sources of retail prices to make this report more robust.

Dan spoke about membership as well, while Canada is very well represented, more efforts need to be taken for US and international memberships. IAMCA is fortunate to add Louisiana and Tennessee but IAMCA is are not adding many new members and should consider USDA and others. The only Province not represented in Ontario, their management is not yet finalized.

Dan also asked for a Committee member to take over the newsletter responsibilities, it is a bit much for him to be responsible for the newsletter, the price surveys, US membership, secretary and treasurer as well as other IAMCA duties.

Lastly, under ‘other business’ Dan posed the question to the Committee. With the Annual meeting scheduled for New York in the summer of 2021, traditionally, the Executive Committee President is the host of the meeting. Given that Dan is already the Secretary / Treasurer, would it be a conflict to have Dan, or even NY, to hold not only two seats on the Executive Committee but two officers on this committee?  There was a brief discussion and there will be a fuller discussion and a decision.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm