2019-02-26 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Approved (2-25-2020)

Minutes Executive Committee Meeting

International Association of Milk Control Agencies

February 26-27, 2019

San Diego, California

Members and Guests Present

Peter Hunkar – Colorado                                               Dan McCarthy – New York

Rob Delage – British Columbia                                    Lou Canter – New York

John Siglow – Dairy Farmers of America                 Tim Drake – Maine

Liz Crouse – Nova Scotia                                              Chantal Paul – Canadian Dairy Commission

Doug Thompson – Prince Edward Isl.                       Renee VonderHaar – Colorado

John Poole – Dairy Farmers of America                    Cliff Carman – USDA

Crafton Wilkes – Virginia                                            Brent Achtemichuk – Manitoba



The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by President Hunkar

President Hunkar welcomed the members and guests for coming and asked for a review and approval of minutes from past Executive Committee meetings. Amendments were offered for the July 25, 2018 minutes. The minutes were reviewed and approved.

Dan McCarthy presented the 2018 financial statements and treasurer’s report. The financial condition is essentially the same as last year. The 2018 Annual meeting made a small profit, and the use of credit cards for registrations and membership went well. This reduced the need to request checks in US funds, and also reduced the follow-up of unpaid registrations.

Brent Achtemichuk reported on the 2018 Annual Meeting. He added that a website should be considered since this is becoming a necessity, rather than an add-on.

President Hunkar discussed current planning on the 2019 Annual meeting. They have already arranged three speakers as well as the hotel. The meeting dates will be August 13-14, with an Executive Meeting on Sunday, August 11, a possible trip to Mt. Evans on Monday morning, followed by the Presidents Reception that evening. The meeting will be Tuesday – Wednesday August 13-14. Peter is still working to arrange the Kroeger milk plant tour.

The Executive Committee then discussed potential speakers and scheduling. A template was prepared with this information and assignments.

Dan McCarthy agreed to send out an email to recent Annual Meeting attendees with a ‘Save the Date’ email to begin to gather attendance. It was requested that all members reach out to other states, dairy boards and the like to increase registrations.

The Committee then discussed the need for a web site. Several members were asked to identify trusted individuals that may be able to provide this service. A summary of the major points the website should have was prepared and will be shared with the Exec. Committee. An RFP will be prepared, with responses reviewed and a proposal approved by the Annual Meeting. The Executive Committee should also research possible domain names that can be reserved.

Cliff Carman discussed the current US Dairy situation, implementation of the Farm Bill and the implementation of the California Federal Order. This has been implemented, with some delayed or adjusted regulations for an interim period. This includes the regulations such as entering in the pool.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm to reconvene on 2/27 at 8:30 am.

The Committee discussed potential amendments to the Constitution. Several edits to the proposal submitted by Dan McCarthy were made. The revised proposal will be shared with our Canadian and US counsels for their review.

Doug Thompson discussed initial planning for the 2020 Annual meeting. They have decided on a hotel that is near the conference center since the hotel at the conference center is overpriced during July. It is about a 6-block walk to the conference from the hotel, so it should not be a problem.

Prior to the membership report, Crafton Wilkes had to leave the meeting, He submitted his report in writing. He noted that he has contacted several states, without much response. He added that a lack of a website has reduced his ability to generate interest. The Committee discussed the potential for discounted memberships for academia and students. The Committee asked members to speak with university professors to see if there may be interest in this.

Dan McCarthy presented information about the price survey. Pennsylvania is behind in reporting their prices. Rather than send out a price survey with these several prices omitted, he decided to wait for their numbers.

The newsletter prepared by Morning Ag Clips was discussed. It was reiterated that the format of the email is to show the first few sentences of each article, with a link to the remainder on the public website of Morning Ag Clips. Once IAMCA has its own website, IAMCA can house the articles there. Generally, the committee agreed that it looks good. The next newsletter will have more about the Annual meeting, including the agenda and perhaps an interview with a speaker or two.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.


G:\IAMCA\Minutes\2019-02-26 Executive Committee Minutes.docx