2018-07-25 Approved Executive Committee Minutes

Approved 2/26/19

Minutes Executive Committee Meeting

International Association of Milk Control Agencies

Wednesday July 25, 2018

Winnipeg, Manitoba


Members and Guests Present

Mike Southwood – Alberta

Rob Delage – British Columbia      Tim Drake – Maine

Brent Achtemichuk – Manitoba     Chad Lee – Montana

Dan McCarthy – New York           Doug Thompson – Prince Edward Island

France Dionne – Quebec              Peter Hunkar – Colorado

Doug Miller – Saskatchewan        Chantal Paul, Canadian Dairy Commission


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by President Achtemichuk

President Achtemichuk asked for comments and suggestions learned from this year’s meeting that can be incorporated in next year’s and future meetings.

France Dionne suggested that the wrap-up session that was provided in the past by Charlie Huff and Mike Southwood was missed.

Doug Thompson stated that to better coordinate the meeting with CMSMC, the IAMCA meeting should go back to starting on Sunday for the Executive Meeting and the full meeting should start on Monday.

A comment was offered to have an educational component to the Mid-Year meeting in the hopes that this would be a greater incentive to attend and get travel approval. Most in attendance said that this was not necessary, and that we will plan on having networking time during this meeting which should be enough.

We discussed formally asking John Weisgerber to host the 2021 Annual Meeting. Dan volunteered to reach out to John.

We discussed the thought that the Annual Membership Fees are quite low, and an increase may be in order. The constitution has these amounts listed, so this may need to be brought to the 2019 Annual General Meeting. If so, then this should be published well in advance for consideration of members.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.


G:\IAMCA\Minutes\2018-07-25 Executive Committee Minutes.docx