2018-07-25 Approved 2018 Annual General Business Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Annual General Business Meeting

International Association of Milk Control Agencies

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Winnipeg, Manitoba


(Approved at the General Business Meeting of Wednesday, August 14, 2019)


The Association Secretary, Dan McCarthy, called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm.

Minutes of 2017 Annual General Business Meeting:

Dan McCarthy indicated that the minutes were presented at the Executive Meeting on July 24th and are available upon request.

Treasurer’s Report:

The Secretary/Treasurer, Dan McCarthy, reviewed the Financial Statements of the Association for the year to date July 20, 2018. These are also available upon request.

Legal Reports:

France Dionne provided a legal report on two cases in Canada. One dealt with commerce in trade between provinces that may have had an impact on the marketing of milk within but not between provinces and the other dealt with the sale of raw milk.

Standing Committee Reports:


Membership Committee:

Dan McCarthy reported that a few states and provinces have not yet renewed their memberships. They will be contacted shortly.

Price Survey:

Dan McCarthy reported that the survey continues, and will be provided quarterly. If anyone needs it more frequently, they can contact Dan. We are continuing to seek more organizations to provide data to make this publication more robust.

Nominating Committee:

There being no additional nominations, the following slate of Officers were elected by acclamation for the 2018-2019 Association year.

Peter Hunkar, Colorado – President

Doug Thompson, Prince Edward Island – 1st Vice-President

John Weisgerber, North Dakota – 2nd Vice-President

Dan McCarthy, New York – Secretary/Treasurer

Mike Southwood, Alberta – Assistant Secretary/Treasurer


Additionally, the Position of Canadian and US Counsels are:

France Dionne – Canadian Counsel

Mike Wiers, Maine – US Counsel


The following persons were designated by their member-agency or nominated by the Executive Committee to serve on the Executive Committee:


Jerri Kahana – Hawaii                        Mike Southwood – Alberta

Crafton Wilkes – Virginia                  Rob Delage – British Columbia

Tim Drake – Maine                            Dan Draper – New Brunswick

Tim Moyer – Pennsylvania                 Brent Achtemichuk – Manitoba

Chad Lee – Montana                          John Moores – Newfoundland / Labrador

Anna Vickrey – Nevada                     Liz Crouse – Nova Scotia

John Weisgerber – North Dakota        TBD –  – Ontario

Dan McCarthy – New York               Doug Thompson – Prince Edward Island

Eric Hanson – Wisconsin                   France Dionne – Quebec

Peter Hunkar – Colorado                    Doug Miller – Saskatchewan

Dan Sutton, Tennessee                       Chantal Paul, Canadian Dairy Commission


A motion to accept this slate of members to the Executive Committee was approved by acclamation.


New Business:

No new business was offered.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 PM.


Submitted by,

Dan McCarthy, Secretary-Treasurer