2018-07-23 Approved Executive Committee Minutes

Approved 2/26/18

Minutes of the Mid-Year Executive Committee Meeting

International Association of Milk Control Agencies

Monday July 23, 2018

Winnipeg, Manitoba


Members and Guests Present

Brent Achtemichuk (Manitoba)               Peter Hunkar (Colorado)

Rene VonderHaar (Colorado)                 Chantal Paul (Canadian Dairy Comm.)

France Dionne (Quebec)                        Chad Lee (Montana)

Doug Thompson (Prince Edward Isl.)     John Siglow (Dairy Farmers of America)

Rob Delage (British Columbia)               Tim Drake (Maine)

Dan McCarthy (New York)                     Mike Wiers (Maine)


The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm by President Achtemichuk

The meeting opened with introductions.

The draft agenda was discussed and accepted.

President Achtemichuk reviewed the 2018 agenda. He asked for volunteers to be assigned to offer questions of each presentation to ensure that there is a first question for each presentation. It is expected that after the first question is asked, participants are more likely to ask other questions.

The draft minutes from the Executive Committee meeting in San Diego on February 13-14, 2018. Tim Drake moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Rob Delage. Motion approved.

Value Propositions for Members

President Achtemichuk began the discussion on the review of membership value propositions.


The board discussed the transition of the quarterly newsletters from Crafton Wilkes (Virginia) to a consultant basis. Chantal Paul will finalize a Request for Proposal to be issued shortly, with the goal or responses by October 1, 2018.

We will seek proposals for a two-year period, quarterly newsletters in the price range of about $10,000.

Each newsletter will highlight 2 US states and 2 Canadian provinces. Additionally, we will include short descriptions from speakers of the last annual meeting.

These proposals will be reviewed by the Executive Board and a conference call will be scheduled to discuss and approve by mid-October 2018. The first issue of this newsletter should be about January 2019.

Membership Directory

Dan distributed a draft of a membership directory for review and discussion. It was offered that additional categories of regulation should be added, such as Processor Milk Allocation, auditing, milk testing, milk direction, transport administration and descriptions of the organizations (Government, cooperative, quasi-government).

Additionally, the directory will have a matrix of these items, followed by more detailed contact information. This will be finalized by October 2018, and be sent out with membership renewals at that time.


The discussion moved to an internet presence. Currently, we have a presence on the Maine web site, but there is no assurance that this will continue past 2020.

We discussed the nature of the content and if some materials should be limited to members or open to all. We also discussed the possibility of getting an estimate for web site from staff of Prince Edward Island and additionally, we discussed the possibility of having a Face Book page.

We also discussed adding to the mid-year meeting additional content to provide value to attendees, such as a discussion of administrative best practices or an educational component to this meeting.

2019 Annual Meeting Update

Peter Hunkar updated the planning on the annual meeting for 2019. He is looking at Golden, Colorado in either late August or September.

Financial Statements

Dan provided a brief discussion of the current financial statements. The organization has about $122,000 on hand with a minimal amount recorded as receivable for 2018 registrations.


Dan also provided a list of paid memberships for 2018 and compared to 2017. Several organizations have not yet paid memberships, and Dan will follow up with them. We need to identify a contact for Ontario.

Mid-Year meeting

The board agreed that the mid-year meeting should be held at the Dana Hotel in San Diego on February 26-27, 2019.

Other Business

There was a discussion of the price survey. We are not receiving prices from many organizations. Tim Drake stated that he finds value in this since it helps him discuss the need for regulation in his state. We will continue efforts to expand reported retail prices.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.


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